Get to know me

My journey at Kent State University as a Fashion Major with a minor in Costume Design was a dream come true. But, the past few years have been the toughest of my life. My amazing family, consisting of my Mom, Dad, Older sister, and Little Brother, had to say goodbye to my dad suddenly in August 2022. Losing him shattered our world, and I felt like a part of me was lost forever. My dad was my biggest supporter, and he thought what I did was the coolest thing ever. He was always there to cheer me on, to offer me advice and guidance, and to help me improve my designs.

Despite my loss, I try to keep my dad's spirit alive through my work. I want to create projects and designs that he would have loved. I want to make him proud, and I like to think of him as my toughest critic. Every day, I channel my grief into my passion for fashion, and it gives me the strength to keep going.

It all started when I was just a 10-year-old girl who received her first iPad for Christmas. I discovered the world of fashion and began drawing designs. I may have toyed with the idea of becoming a singer or an astrophysicist, but nothing captured my heart like fashion and design. I am happiest when I'm lost in my creativity, designing clothes that make people feel confident and beautiful.

My mission

My mission is to forever be doing the thing I love and that is design. I started freelancing because I was stuck in Cleveland, Ohio and wasn't able to land a fashion job here. I tried applying everywhere but was turned down because of competitors who could start right away that were already in the area. I got tired of waiting for a job to come around and started finding start up brands that needed help but couldn't afford a full time designer. This is where my journey with freelancing began!

My vision

After basically being forced into freelancing, I have come to love it. I want to be able to help brands reach their goals and I like the idea of helping smaller brands grow. I love working on different categories of fashion and don't like to keep myself in a bubble of a niche. This allows me to be constantly learning new things and gathering information about new industries