My services

The following list are services that I specialize in. While, these are what I am most experienced in, I do have experience in other categories, so If you are interested, feel free to inquire. All the services listed apply to Apparel and Accessories.

Collection Design

From trend research to CAD illustration, I will help you develop a lineup to get you started on your collection. Including color ways, prints and graphics, you'll be able to better visualize your designs

Technical Design

In order to have a smooth production process, a detailed and accurate tech pack is paramount. A tech pack that a manufacturer can read and understand easily will help make sure the sampling process goes smoothly.

Production & Sampling

Working with manufacturers is hard. Knowing how to communicate and work with them helps to make the process seamless. With my connections and expertise in sampling and production, I will help make sure the sampling process will be as simple and quick as possible.

3D Design

Although 3D design is a fairly new practice, it is being adopted in the fashion world everywhere. Whether you opt to use it for pattern drafting or as a way to show your designs to customers without needing to pay for an expensive photoshoot, it can be a great tool for newer startups and established brands.

assorted clothes in wooden hangers
assorted clothes in wooden hangers